Chlorella is a microscopic organism that is grown in pure fresh water, strong sunlight, and clean air. These tablets are all-natural, and vegan. Chlorella is a superfood with an impressive array of nutrients - vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids, protein and chlorophyll. Our tablets are 100% pure chlorella, no binders, preservatives or fillers.
Each Circle Organics chlorella tablets are cold processed for maximum potency. The cell wall of the chlorella is broken through a unique high-pressure process, resulting in an easily digestible, clean and pure superfood. Chlorella tablets are an easy, healthy way to get wholesome food nutrients while stimulating detoxification and immune health.
Why purchase Earth Circle Organic products?
Traceability: All our products are lab tested for heavy metals & purity ensuring it meets our high quality and standards.
Sustainability: We purchase from farmers that use sustainable farming practices which support local farmers, helps to communities and preserves genetic diversity.
Chlorella pyrenoidosa.
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