Verilean® Delivers Results
Hundreds of weight loss supplements on the market, dozens of ingredients that claim to help you burn fat, and one major problem in our opinion: not only do too many of these products fail to deliver what they promise, some cause you to lose the wrong type of weight - too much muscle and not enough fat.
LeanFire® is different. It contains Verilean, a thoroughly studied, scientifically backed weight loss ingredient. Verilean works quickly to help you double your weight loss , but most importantly, it helps ensure that you burn more fat relative to muscle as part of your transformation.
Anyone focused on their fitness knows that this is critically important. The last thing you want is to lose 10 pounds and still look pudgy and feel flabby, having lost more lean muscle than fat.
Now as part of your workouts, you can achieve the lean, toned, sexy physique you crave and deserve, more efficiently and in less time.
Double your weight loss‡
In addition to helping you burn more fat relative to muscle as part of your transformation, Verilean, the powerful key ingredient in Lean Fire, helps you more than double your weight loss. In a clinical study, participants who took Verilean and maintained a low-calorie diet for 60 days lost an average of 10.95 lbs. The placebo group only lost an average of 5.4 lbs. Verilean also helps reduce BMI. It's a trifecta of benefits that will have you looking and feeling your best in no time.
Smart Science That Actually Works
No matter why you're looking to lose weight, you likely want:
The powerful Thermovigilance® Weight Loss Matrix in LeanFire ® was scientifically formulated with the distinct fat-burning, body-sculpting needs of both men and women in mind. The experts at Force Factor® chose Verilean® as the main ingredient due to its ability to deliver results quickly and effectively.
Verilean has been clinically demonstrated to help you double your weight loss in just 60 days. The Thermovigilance Weight Loss Matrix also contains time-tested ingredients like Garcinia cambogia, cayenne pepper, and green tea leaf extract to give you peace of mind that every capsule is packed full of powerful, effective ingredients to help you achieve your goals.
Losing weight can be exhausting, which is why the best weight loss formulas include high quality energy compounds to help you overcome diet fatigue and stay motivated. But too many supplements load you up with stimulants, tricking you into thinking the formula is working. The precisely dosed 150mg of caffeine in LeanFire is paired with L-theanine in a very specific, scientifically studied ratio to provide a controlled boost of energy with virtually no jitters and no crash. It's a scientific symbiosis we call thermovigilance.
The result of this carefully selected matrix of ingredients is weight loss without compromise. LeanFire is a fuss-free premium formula without tricks and without pretension. It just works, and that's what you want.
‡Results from a 60-day randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study of African green coffee bean extract (Coffea canephora)
Гипромеллоза, диоксид кремния, растительный стеарат магния, микрокристаллическая целлюлоза.
Предупреждение об аллергенах: Производится на оборудовании, с помощью которого обрабатываются продукты, содержащие молоко, яйца, сои, пшеницы, ракообразные, рыба, древесных орехов, арахис, кунжут.
Хранить в недоступном для детей месте. Только для взрослых.
Применять только согласно инструкции. Перед применением во время беременности, кормления грудью, при наличии каких-либо заболеваний или приеме рецептурных медикаментов следует проконсультироваться с медицинским работником. Хранить в сухом и прохладном месте. Беречь от воздействия тепла, света и влаги.
Рекомендуемая доза этого продукта содержит примерно столько же кофеина, сколько полторы чашки кофе. В период приема этой добавки следует ограничить употребление лекарств, продуктов и напитков, содержащих кофеин. Употребление слишком большого количества кофеина может вызвать нервозность, раздражительность, бессонницу, а иногда и учащенное сердцебиение.
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